Why is RNA More Easily Degraded than DNA During Nucleic Acid Extraction?

The reason why RNA (ribonucleic acid) is more easily degraded than DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) during extraction is mainly related to their different chemical structures and improper operation during extraction.

I. Differences in chemical structure:

DNA/RNA extraction/isolation
Comparison of DNA and RNA structures

1. RNA is a single-stranded structure, which is more unstable than the double-stranded structure of DNA.

DNA/RNA structure; DNA/RNA isolation
Double-stranded structure of DNA and single-stranded structure of RNA

2. Hydroxyl at the 2′ position: The ribose in RNA molecules contains a hydroxyl group (-OH) at the 2′ position, while the deoxyribose in DNA has a hydrogen atom at this position. This extra hydroxyl group makes the RNA molecule more unstable because it can promote spontaneous hydrolysis reactions, resulting in RNA chain breaks.

difference of DNA/RNA
Difference of 2′ groups of DNA and RNA

II. The influence of RNAse in the extraction system:

1. Endogenous RNAse: It exists in cells and can continue to degrade RNA even after cell lysis.

2. Exogenous RNAse: It is widely present in the environment, such as air, skin, and laboratory supplies (gloves, test tubes, etc.).

III. Improper experimental operation:

1. The reagents and instruments used have not been treated with DEPC (diethylpyrocarbonate) and cannot effectively inactivate RNA enzymes.

2. The inhibitor is ineffective, or the dosage is insufficient, and the activity of RNA enzymes cannot be effectively inhibited.

3. More experimental samples or higher homogenization temperatures lead to increased RNA enzyme activity.

4. Changes in pH and temperature, especially under alkaline conditions, can easily cause RNA bases to be deaminated, resulting in chain breaks; high temperatures can also cause partial or complete degradation of RNA molecules.

IV. What should be done to reduce RNA degradation?

In order to reduce RNA degradation during extraction, a series of measures need to be taken, including using RNAse-free laboratory supplies, operating at low temperatures, using RNA stabilizers, using finished kits, etc. These methods effectively reduce the risk of RNA degradation and ensure that high-quality RNA samples are obtained for downstream analysis.

Supplier Introduction

Shanghai Lingjun Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Lingjun Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Lingjun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was established in 2016 which is a professional manufacturer of biomagnetic materials and nucleic acid extraction reagents.

We have rich experience in nucleic acid extraction and purification, protein purification, cell separation, chemiluminescence and other technical fields.

Our products are widely used in many fields, such as medical testing, genetic testing, university research, genetic breeding, and so on. We not only provide products but also can undertake OEM, ODM, and other needs. If you have related needs, please feel free to contact us at sales01@lingjunbio.com.

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