Trace Amounts of Cells – Small Cells, Big Energy

In the field of life sciences, every tiny discovery may open a new research direction. When we are faced with extremely precious or rare samples, how to extract high-quality DNA/RNA from limited cells becomes a major challenge for scientific researchers.

Cell Division
Cell division model

1. What are trace amounts of cells?

Trace amounts of cells usually refer to a small number of cell samples, which may be only tens to hundreds of cells. Such a sample size is traditionally considered insufficient, but with the help of modern molecular biology techniques, we have been able to extract and analyze genetic material from these trace amounts of cells to reveal their biological characteristics.

2. Application of trace cells in clinical diagnosis

In clinical diagnosis, there may be only a small amount of tumor cells or rare genetic disease samples available for analysis. Through genetic testing, specific gene mutations can be detected from a very small number of tumor cells, which is crucial for early diagnosis and personalized treatment of cancer.

3. Application of trace cells in reproductive health

Trace cells also have important applications in reproductive health. For example, through trace cell detection technology, cells can be extracted from early embryos for genetic screening, helping to select healthy embryos for transplantation and reducing the risk of genetic diseases.

4. Cell biology research

Trace amounts of cells also play an important role in basic scientific research. For example, single-cell sequencing technology can be used to analyze the transcriptome, epigenome and other information of a single cell, which is crucial for understanding cell heterogeneity and developmental biology.

5. Nucleic acid extraction from trace cells

In order to effectively analyze the genetic material of trace cells, nucleic acid extraction from trace cells is the basis and key of this process. The ultra-trace cell DNA/RNA extraction reagent independently developed and produced by Shanghai Lingjun Biotechnology can extract the whole genome and transcriptome of cells from a small number of cells 10-100 cells, which can be directly connected to the third-generation sequencer.

Ultra Trace amounts of cells DNA/RNA extraction reagent; trace cells DNA/RNA isolation
Ultra Trace amounts of cells DNA/RNA extraction reagent by Shanghai Lingjun lnjnbio®

The trace amounts of cells contain a wealth of information, although they include a very small number of cells. Through advanced molecular biology techniques, we have been able to obtain valuable data from these trace cells, providing strong support for disease diagnosis, treatment options, and basic scientific research. With the continuous advancement of technology, the application prospects of trace cells will be broader, bringing more benefits to human health and social development.

Supplier Introduction

Shanghai Lingjun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was established in 2016 which is a professional manufacturer of biomagnetic materials and nucleic acid extraction reagents.

We have rich experience in nucleic acid extraction and purification, protein purification, cell separation, chemiluminescence and other technical fields.

Our products are widely used in many fields, such as medical testing, genetic testing, university research, genetic breeding, and so on. We not only provide products but also can undertake OEM, ODM, and other needs. If you have related needs, please feel free to contact us at

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